Monday, May 12, 2014

monday munchies / baby hummus sandwich

red pepper, cucumber, hummus sandwich 

i tried this out with two different breads. whole wheat bread and mini whole wheat pitas. they both came out really yummy but i would recommend the bread if your baby has less than 4 teeth (its a lot softer) and the pita once there is more baby teeth! lincoln has two teeth and did fine with both, but when it comes to food he's a little monster. the bread seemed to stay together more and the pita was better just cut in half. 

this one is really simple.

whole wheat bread / whole wheat pita
1/4 red pepper
1/4 cucumber 
i used garlic hummus, but go crazy! there are some pretty cool hummus choices or make your own. this one was really good [simple hummus recipe - inspired taste]

there is this awesome "chopper" by [munchkin].. but a good knife works just as good. 
you want to dice your cucumber and pepper into small little squares. small enough so a little person won't choke. next spread your hummus on pita or bread. sprinkle your tiny cubes onto your bread (crust or crust-free) and then cut the sandwich into bite size pieces. 

the best part about this sandwich is that mama's love it too. plus you can just dice the whole veggie and save it for another easy lunch! 

although he likes to feed prince / prince likes to jump up and snatch food..
he seemed to really enjoy feeding himself a little sandwich.

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